Author name: Niklas

The weight of stuff has been an interest of mine ever since I was a child. What I believe is most fascinating about weight is how extremely heavy some objects are both on earth and in the universe.


10 Common Things That Weigh About 60 Pounds

Sixty pounds translates to about 27.2kg, cumbersome if you are lifting or carrying it on your back. Carrying this weight on your back may seem strenuous, but you’d be surprised that people who go for hikes and military training are used to carrying such backpacks. Sometimes they spreading the weight with a front pack and

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Average Egg Weighs (Including Various Egg Sizes & Types)

Anyone who does a lot of cooking would most likely agree that eggs are always an ingredient you want to have on hand, especially if you do a lot of baking. Eggs are simple, economical, and can be prepared in a variety of ways: fried, boiled, poached, and are a necessary ingredient for many dishes

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How Much Does a Rhino Weigh? (Species, Life Stages & Gender Differences)

Rhinoceros is Greek, meaning nose horned. The Rhinos are among the big five endangered species, and they live for around 30 to 45 years. Both the male and female have horns, although the female’s front horn is often longer and thinner than the males in the white and black Rhinos. So, how much do these

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How Much Does an Elephant Weigh? (Species, Life Stages & Gender Differences)

Known as the world’s largest and heaviest land mammal, elephants can live for up to 60 to 70 years. The easiest way to tell species apart is by looking at their ears, but you may not be able to tell the male from the female since their genitals are hidden between their legs. Their trunk

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